Image Treatments Add Depth and Dimension To Your Brand

In today’s competitive environment, creating captivating printed pieces is essential for leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Well beyond the color wheel, a myriad of techniques can add depth and dimension to any image you bring to the table—including photographs, illustrations, and logos—transforming ordinary marketing collateral pieces into extraordinary works of art. B&B offers a dizzying array of digital print enhancements and more traditional finishing techniques to elevate your brand on signage, brochures, packaging, and more.

Getting artsy is easier than ever

Consider standing out from the crowd by playing with color—and sometimes downplaying it. Image reproductions in duotone, monotone, and monochrome are a striking way to grab your customer’s attention.

Duotone. Duotone involves using two contrasting colors to reproduce an image. Blending two colors can create a unique and artistic effect that brings depth and richness to photographs, especially in black and white prints.

Monotone. Similar to duotone, monotone uses a single color to create a unified and sophisticated look. Toned images can evoke emotions and add a vintage touch to printed pieces like posters and postcards.

Monochrome. Monochrome involves using varying shades of a single color, typically black, to add depth and dimension to images. This technique can be employed for intricate illustrations and art prints.

Fulltone. A fulltone image utilizes a full spectrum of colors, ensuring vivid and vibrant prints that demand attention. It’s perfect for creating striking signage and attention-grabbing banners.

Software enhancements meet on-press possibilities

Software enhancements play a crucial role in refining and enriching images before they go to print. Skilled graphics professionals—yours or ours—use advanced tools to manipulate color, contrast, and texture, creating stunning visuals that pop off the page. Design work goes hand in hand with advanced print and ink techniques offered on the press.

Image Treatments

Metallics. Adding metallic inks makes images gleam and shimmer, giving them a luxurious or industrial-chic appeal. For example, a product brochure featuring metallic accents can instantly elevate the perceived value of the items showcased. 

White Inks. Layered over other effects or on colored paper, applying true white inks selectively creates contrast to highlight specific elements in your design. It produces luxurious and ethereal effects on black invitations or unique packages, creating an enticing unboxing or un-enveloping effect.

Adding Clear makes Inks Shine. Clear finishes can be used in a variety of ways, including layering to emboss, differentiating elements, and creating dimension with both dull and areas of shine. Spot detailing, overlaying text, and creating watermarks are just a few uses for clear inks, varnishes, and coatings.

Textured Paper. Opting for textured paper adds dimension to your pieces and packages, enhancing the perceived quality and depth of the images. A brochure printed on canvas-like paper can evoke a sense of luxury and craftsmanship.

Always finish strong

Choosing the right finishes can significantly impact the visual appeal of your printed pieces, creating unique textures and tactile experiences for the audience.

Embossing/Debossing. Embossing raises certain parts of the image, creating a three-dimensional effect. Debossing, on the other hand, pushes the image into the paper, adding a sophisticated touch to invitations and brochures. Both offer an irresistible tactile experience.

Die-Cutting and Folding. Custom die-cuts and unusual folds allow you to create custom shapes and designs, instantly making your printed pieces more unique and engaging. These paper manipulation techniques are excellent for creating attention-grabbing business cards, lookbooks, and packages.

Spot Varnish. Applying spot varnish selectively to specific areas of the design adds a glossy (or more matte)  finish that contrasts with the paper stock. This technique accentuates certain elements, making them stand out and appear three-dimensional.

Foils. Foiling is another popular technique that involves applying a thin metallic or holographic foil to specific areas of the design. This adds an elegant and premium touch, perfect for high-end packaging or business cards. Foils can also project a futuristic feel, projecting the appearance of a forward-thinking brand.

Unusual prepress, print, and finishing treatments can take your printed pieces to new heights—and depths—that captivate your audience. You can create visually stunning signage, brochures, packaging, and more by harnessing the software enhancements and prepress techniques and leveraging paper and ink treatments. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different combinations of treatments, as they open up endless possibilities for transforming ordinary prints into extraordinary pieces that leave a lasting impression.  

The press pros at B&B are happy to show you the array of options for your next piece. Call or email today for a free consultation and estimate.

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